Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tyson's Summer: Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Sea of Monsters

        Tyson The Cyclops

        Hello my name is Tyson. I live in a cardboard box in New York. I go to school with my                 friend Percy. One day we went to gym class and there was the bully of the school and a bunch of other boys I had never seen before. Well while were were playing dodgeball they turned to big scary monsters. They were attacking Percy. He needed my help. So I went to help him. We beat up a bunch of them and then there was one left. Then a sword came out of the monsters stomach and a girl came out. She told Percy something and then disappeared. Then we met her outside and we traveled to a camp. At the camp we saved a bunch of people because some iron bulls were attacking but we stopped them. At camp I feel singled out. Oh yeah I forgot to tell, but I’m a cyclops. So yes I have only one eye. So of course everyone at the camp stares at me and says mean things. Then when they were deciding whether to let me go or kill me, then a big trident showed over my head. It was really cool. 

The Adventure Begins

        I was distracted by it by I still heard lots of whispering among the crowd. Then they tell me I am son of Poseidon the Sea God. So I was going to live with Percy since his father is also Poseidon. I was really happy and excited. A friend on camp show me how to build things. So each nigh I secretly work on a watch for Percy. Then Percy was going to go on a quest. Something to save a tree which protected the whole camp. The tree was dying. The quest was not given to Percy instead to some girl named Clarisse because the man who usually gave the quest, who name is Chiron was fired because they thought he poisoned the tree. But Percy was going anyway. So Grover, Annabeth, Clarisse (Percy’s other friends) and I went with him. This is a picture of us. I'm the tall guy with the glasses.
Then when we were sailing the engine to our ship blew up. Clarisse, Percy, and Annabeth were able to get away on life boats. I prayed to my father to bring me my friend Rainbow who was a dolphin to come save me and he did. So I went through this thing called the Sea of monsters and got to this island, which was very nice.

Saving The Camp

        But my friends were in trouble. They were getting attacked by another cyclops. So i threw a big rock into the cyclops mouth. He chocked and fell into a huge ditch and we got away. So we got what we needed to heal, which is called the golden fleece. We wrapped it around Annabeth because she was hurt. It fixed her. Then bad guy named Luke captured us. But it was to late because we sent Clarisse ahead with the Golden Fleece. Then ponies came and saved us. Percy told me they were called centaurs but I call them ponies. They helped us escape and get to camp. They got Chiron his job back and the tree was healing. Then Chiron announced that we were having chariot races. I built a chariot which was equipped with cool things and let Annabeth and Percy use it. Oh yeah and I almost forgot to give Percy the watch. I told him to click the button on top when he needed help. He looked confused but I was excited because it turned into a shield. Then I got a letter from my father Poseidon. He asked me to go to his underwater base to build weapons for the camp and meet him.

Meeting My Father

        I was so excited to being able to meet my father but I was sad to be having to leave Percy. I wanted to stay but I had to go. I told him I would make good weapons for camp then left right away. When I got there I met my father and we talked a little bit and he showed me his underwater base. It was awesome. I was really excited. But I was sad to be having to leave Percy. I heard that the Golden Fleece worked to good because some girl came out of the tree. What was her name again... oh yes Thalia. Supposedly a daughter of Zeus. She was killed when she was young getting to camp with Annabeth and evil Luke. I think they said her father turned her into a tree so she could still be alive and protect the camp. Someone said there is an important prophecy about her. That she would be dangerous. That she would save or destroy Olympus. Whatever that means. Well I’m gonna be in this underwater base for a while so I guess I don’t have to worry about that. I wonder if her and Percy will get along. 


Name: Tyson; Cyclops                                             
Location: Bottom of the Sea
Job: Building Weapons
Relationship: Poseidon's Son, Percy Jackson's Brother
Goal: To become great at building weapons

For More About The Author Click Here

Watch The Movie Trailer Here If Video Won't Play


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi I'm Thomas. I think it was really cool of you to give that watch to Percy. I would want to have a brother like you, maybe I did but I can't remember.

  3. Hello I'm Bam, we can relate when making weapons, when I was still at school we used metal pipes and other things to protect ourselves.

  4. Hello Tyson,
    I didn't know there were such things as gods or half-bloods or cyclops, to be completely honest with you. I see you have proved me wrong.
    That quest sounds exhilarating but hellish at the same time. I congratulate you and your friends for saving Thalia.

  5. I commented on Jesus, Gabe, and Leanna.

  6. Hi I'm Delia. I could write a really interesting news story about you fighting the giants and the bulls. I know what its like to not know your parents. I am and orphan myself.

  7. I never believed in half-bloods, gods and cyclops, but now I know they are everywhere! I know how it feels to have to leave someone for the best. I had to fight in the Hunger Games so no other boy would have to go through that.
    Nice Blog.!
    - Peeta Mellark

  8. Dear Tyson,
    Our leader, Hitler, taught us that these demi-gods you speak of are not real! If you were to be a true German you would not worship these gods you talk of, but you would be of the same religion as the Führer. (If what you speak of is true, could you possibly send me more books to study what you speak of?)
    -Liesel Meminger

  9. Dear Tyson, you seem to have a mixed up beginning and went on a adventure to save the tree! (Doesn't sound too awesome if I out it that way..) Anyway I really can't connect to you. I just have been doing routine. -Asher

  10. Dear Tyson,
    Hi it's Annabeth! I loved how you told the story of our quest. You're personality really shines throughout you're writing. How's the new job coming? Percy says hi and we both want to thank you for making that awesome chariot. We'll keep in touch.

    -Best wishes Annabeth

  11. Dear Tyson,

    Why does everyone hate you because your a cyclops? I have never believed in myths till a week ago. I believe your story is true so if you ever want to invite me to where you live I would go. I am in need of a vacation!
