Thursday, December 19, 2013

Percy Jackson and The lighting Thief: Week of 12-16-13

Title: Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief
Author: Rick Riordan
Pages Read: 0-Finish (175)
Prompt: What motivates the main character

     What motivated Percy Jackson was his mother, friends, and bravery. Percy Jackson's mother was taken from him . So he starts a journey to find his mother. He is determined the entire journey not to give up because of his love for his mother. I think for him that was the main motivation because she is the most important person in the world for him. He would stop at no cost. The determination to get his mother is partly what keeps him alive in the story.
     Another thing is his friends. Grover and Annabeth.  They decide to go along with him on this journey. For Grover he feels it is his job because he is Percy's protector. For Annabeth she thrills for an adventure where she faces danger and real life situations instead of just simulations like they have at the camp they live at.
     Percy is extremely brave throughout the book. He learns to use his powers more and more. He figures out how to control the powers and save both his and his friends lives. He faces so many mythological creatures that sound like pure monsters that he must stand up to and kill. I really enjoyed this book because it contains a lot of action so you don't get bored. I like how descriptive Rick Riordan makes everything so that you have a clear picture and understanding of everything that is happening in the book.


  1. I commented on: Marissa, Gabe, and Amelia

  2. I absolutely agree on what you said about Percy's motivation. You summarized everything so perfectly. I also love how you put your opinion of why you liked Rick Riordan's writing. Great post, I hope you read the second book too!

  3. Great post this week! I liked how you gave your opinion at the end of your post. I never read the book before, but I have seen the movie. Based on the movie, I totally agree with you. Percy is very determined to get his mother back and to protect his friends.

  4. Those are definitely motivations for the main characters. I also like how you summarized at the same time and included your opinion. Nice job.

  5. You're definitely right when it comes to Percy's motivations. I liked how you had your opinion of the book at the end! Great post!
