Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Giver: Week of 12-2-13

Title: The Giver
Author: Lois Lowry
Pages Read: 114-Finish
Prompt: After reading, I wonder…

     After reading the Giver I wondered three things. I wondered what happened to Jonas and Gabriel, what happened to the village, and how the village will change in the future. First I wondered what happened to Jonas and Gabriel. I was confused on the ending. Then the socratic seminar got me thinking whether it was a hallucination and he died or thats what elsewhere truly looked like. From my opinion I think thats what elsewhere is. I think it was kind of a hint how they had a special day off and it was snowing, so I thought that it was Christmas and people were celebrating like in the memory Jonas had. 
     I also wonder what happened to the village. I also thought about how many people received the memories. I think that the people were frightened to find the two of them missing. Then I think they went into total panic when the memories began to return. I believe that the Giver was gonna give the elders advice that will change the village so that it is more like Jonas would have wanted it. I also wonder how they get the memories back out of the people who receive them.
     The last thing is how the village will be in the future. How long will they wait for the next receiver? I think that the next receiver will be closely watched and have very strict rules since the past two receivers left the village and returned the memories. I think the elders will decide to not release babies at least, if not get rid of releases unless someone is in extreme pain or it is an old person who wants to be released. I think they will do that because the Giver will tell the elders that part of why Jonas left was because Gabriel was being released and because he felt hatred for the community and felt like they were hiding lots of things from him.


  1. I commented on Steven, Citlali, and Nadrian.

  2. Great blog this week Diego! I wonder the same thing. I think that Jonas found elsewhere, but I never thought that it was Christmas when Jonas found it. I think that the community will go into a panic, but I don't think the Giver will tell the Elders to change the community.

  3. Nice job. I thought it was Christmas and was also wondering whether the whole community each got all the memories.
