Thursday, October 2, 2014

Son: Week of 9-29-14

Title: Son
Author: Lois Lowry
Pages Read: 0-48
Prompt :Describe the author's writing style

     In Lois Lowry's book, Son, the style of the book is very obvious. The point of view is from 3rd person. You can tell because the narrator says phrases like "Claire nodded" and Claire thought" showing how he knows what the characters feelings are and what their actions are. The style of the book is a narrative because the author is telling a story using characters, setting and plot.  The main character is Claire, and she is a birthmother. This book is in the same series as "The Giver" which we have all read. Like in "The Giver" much of the book is dialogue. Also much of the book so far is expressing Claire's feelings towards a subject or event. The style that Lois Lowry uses for all the characters is very precise and proper language. As I learned in "The Giver", precision of speech is very important to their community. So every character does not use any slang or sort of accent.

     A large part of the book I feel is based off of mood. Your emotions somewhat change but not too drastically so far. Basically the entire book so far you just feel sympathy towards Claire. At the beginning of the book she is giving birth so you feel much sympathy then for her pain. Then as it progresses you feel bad for her because she does not fit in and is confused. Right now I feel better for her but I feel like she doesn't feel quite comfortable yet. The tone of the book has been kind of neutral because they describe some stuff as bad and others as good. It is a very basic society so it is hard to develop too much description and depth on certain things. For Claire the tone has been more negative because she feels unsure and is nervous. But when they describe other things like the community or the people they use much kinder words that re more positive.

     So Claire has given birth. Since it is a birthmothers job to produce children they are not allowed to see their babies. Something goes wrong because they have a sudden almost panic and Claire passes out. The one thing remaining from that is her scar. When she talks to the other birthmothers they are rather confused and say that they have no scar. Well one day Claire is called to the committee and they tell her she will be placed somewhere else for her job in the community. She is confused and once again feels like she had lost something like she had when she gave birth. She is moved to fish hatchery. She feels very nervous because it was extremely rare and odd for someone to be moved to another place of work. She begins to settle in and make new friends. Now she is looking for a way to sneak out and ask some questions.


  1. I commented on Maria, Elenia, and Citlalli.

  2. I would take out your last paragraph, so that you post stays on topic.
