Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Montresors End

50 years after the disappearance of Fortunato.

"We have brought you here to talk about the disappearance of Mr. Fortunato." Said one police officer. 

"I know no such thing about the disappearance, in fact for a while I was quite concerned about my dear friend." replied Montresor.

"We have a witness who has come forward and said he left with you the night of the disappearance." said another officer.

"I have no idea why you would question me of this." stated Montresor. 

"He was never seen with anyone else or anywhere?" questioned the first officer.

"I think your whole story is a hoax!" retorted Montresor

"How could any of this be a hoax?" Asked the second officer.

"I saw Fortunato because I was telling him about this Amontillado I had found. But Fortunato had a mask on so how could the worker have even known if I had even seen or spoken to him?" Montresor felt he had an established point.

"So you think this women is framing you? But why would she wait so long to do this then?" the officers were confused.

"I think she was hired by Fortunato's wife. You see I visit her often to see she is doing well and well about a week ago we got into an argument that resulted with some harsh anger from her." Montresor felt this story was very strong and began to feel even more confident.

"And this argument was about?" retorted the first officer.

"Well Fortunato and I had some money in this vault of their house and she had taken it and spent it on herself when much of it belonged to me. I was a bit intoxicated myself so I said some harsh things but she became very angry so I think she is framing me because she is running out of money so she is upset and jealous that I still have money." Montresor was not lying about the argument but he was about the whole framing thing.

"So you believe she was bought out to snitch on you? But how does it effect her if you are in jail or dead?" 

"You see in my will she knows I have much money left to her and Fortunato because I have no family. She wouldn't kill me herself because she fears getting caught but knows if I were charged with Fortunato's death I would die." Montresor felt the whole story coming together in his head.

The officer took a deep breath, "So are you suggesting she killed Fortunato?"

"No, No of course not I am simply suggesting she has chosen to frame me." Montresor said innocently.

"I saw Fortunato the night of Carnival but he left me after I said I was going home and later was burdened to find out my friend was gone." he said with a sad look.

"So you were at Carnival and you saw Fortunato but he didn't leave with you?" the second officer asked.

"No of course not. And I had no reason to kill my dear friend, one of my only friends. We were close and had nothing against one another. I did not gain any money or items of value after the disappearance of my friend. I am innocent." Montresor grew more and more inpatient. He wanted to leave but had to wait.

"We may let you go now but will probably ask you to come back in for further questioning once we gather more information." said an officer as he was reading the notes.

"Thank you. I told you I have nothing to do with the murder of Fortunato. May I please leave now?"

"Hold on a minute, we never said anything about murder?" The officer had a new spark in him.

"Ummm I meant disappearance. I told you he left my house and I never saw him again. leave me alone!" Montresor said without thinking.

"Wait earlier you said he didn't go to your house. Montresor what are you not telling us." The officer was driving for answers.

"Hehehe, I did it, hahaha, I killed him. I deserved my revenge. He is dead in the catacombs of my house. You and the women who confessed deserve to be buried down there as well, hahahehe." Montresor had admitted.

The officers cuffed him and realized that Montresor was mentally unstable. Montresor was later convicted with murder and was hung for his wrongdoings. 


  1. Cool blog, very creative! I liked how it seemed like he was going to get away with it and then slipped up, classic. I also liked how you find out that he is a little crazy in the end. Great job! ;)

  2. I think Montresor's confession at the end is really funny. The hehehehehe part really added to the whole mentally unstableness of Montresor. His claim and story that he tells to the officers are great because it seems like something that would happen in a police show. They have a great story, but then it unravels. Great narrative!

  3. Very Nice blog. I really thought he was going to get away nice twist at the end.

  4. Great blog. I like how you tell what Montresor's lie was and how he told it to the police. I also like how you then tell how the police discovered he was the murderer. Finally I like you tell what happened to Montresor after he was discovered.

  5. Interesting perspective... I'm curious in what made you have Montresor suddenly laugh and confess? It seemed to come out of nowhere.
