Thursday, February 13, 2014

Notes From The Midnight Driver: 2 Voice Poem

"Notes From The Midnight Driver"
Itrust my Son
 She shouldn't trust me 
I am going on a date
 She is going on a date 
 Bad Idea 
 I'm sure he'll be fine
 She has no idea whats going on 
It will only be for a little while
 Just enough time 
 He won't cause any trouble
 I'm going to drive to my Dad's house 
I'm sure he won't touch the liquor
 Now where's the beer? 
 Did I leave the keys to the car?
 She left the keys to the car 
 He wouldn't try anything stupid
 Time to go for a drive 
 What do I have to worry about
 Nothing will go wrong 
 Crashed car
Why did I trust him?
 Ugh cops 
 Now in the hospital 
 What were you thinking?!?
 Mom am I okay what happened 
 You are certainly not okay
 Well what happened 
 You crashed
 So thats why I have a 
 This sucks 
 Yeah it does your in big trouble
 Like I didn't see that coming


  1. I commented on Jenna, Steven, and Carlos.

  2. I've read this book and I think that you really captured the feelings of the characters when they went through this problem. This is a good poem.

  3. Great post this week! I liked how at the end of the poem who had the characters talking to each other. Great poem!
