Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Maze Runner: 2-19-15

Title: The Maze Runner
Author: James Dashner
Pages Read: 90-376(finish)
Prompt: How did you feel after reading the book? What did you think of it?

I thought the whole concept of this book was really fascinating. After I finished reading the book I couldn't believe how terrible the lives of these teenage boys lives were, who are just a few years older than me. They had just gone through a terrible experience in this place they called the glade and their experience in getting out of it. When I found out this was all an experiment or trial I felt kind of angry at whoever put them in this place, most of them dying. Then as I found out more about the way the Earth was I started to further understand why something like this might happen. Basically from my understanding the world has fallen apart, there have been solar flares, and some sort of illness going around that was killing everyone. They are doing these trials to see if there is any hope for humanity by finding out the worlds best survivors.

So they have just passed the first trials or first stage and are now onto the second one. They have been deceived I think, into thinking they have been rescued. They faked this rescue as a way to see how they would emotionally respond. One big question in my head is if there is going to be more kids that will come to this next trial. My theory or question is that there were several of these maze trials and the survivors of them are getting thrown into the next trial. You really have no idea what the future holds because a lot of the events in the book, happen randomly and then once they do happen, have some sense to them. Thomas is an interesting character because he just comes onto the scene and is this sort of superstar. He comes in and isn't as scared as the others were when they first arrived. Not only was he not scared but he was a hero and one of the leaders of the place within a week or so.

I'm looking forward to getting the next book, which is the Scorch Trials. I know there is probably going to be more death, hopelessness, and twists. If this is suppose to be even more challenging I'm sure even less will survive and probably more main characters will die. What I am really looking forward to is what obstacles they are going to face. In the the Maze Runner the main obstacles were the grievers and the maze. The grievers are these disgusting mechanical bug creatures that are built to basically be killing machines. Also the maze was full of discouragement because they mapped it for two years without really finding anything. Not to mention building and sustaining a working civilization while have to worry about these two things. These two obstacles were very elaborate and creatively made, therefore I think what they will face in the next book could be even more of a challenge and more interesting than what they faced in the first book.
Comments: Elenia, Citlalli, and Sarai

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