Thursday, January 29, 2015

Maze Runner: 1/29/15

Title: The Maze Runner
Author: James Dashner
Pages Read: 40- 90
Prompt: What are the major conflicts the main character runs into?

     The main character Thomas, has had a rough start in his barely 2 day span that he has been in the Glade. The Glade is the area in which the guys live, and it is surrounded by the maze. Clearly at the beginning and even right now Thomas knows very little of the Glade and how everything functions. He is very curious but he seems like a very special character by the way the book has gone about. Basically he got dumped in this place, full of terror, and he has no idea about anything. He is expected not to ask questions, but how can he do that when this place is so odd and he knows nothing of it. His first big conflict with another character is with this jerk named Gally. He claims to have seen Thomas in some sort of dream after getting stung by a griever (a big nasty half animal, half mechanical kind of killing machine.) Thomas has his one friend right now, Chuck who gets on his nerves at times. Chuck really doesn't know much or say much and this drives Thomas crazy.

     Thomas's next problem is that he seems to have been sent there for a bigger reason than just being another Glader. He feels as if he has been here before but doesn't tell anyone besides Chuck. Then a new problem arises. A day later after Thomas arrives, suddenly alarms begin to go off. This indicates the arrival of a new person, but there is something very strange about this. They are suppose to receive new people once a month, on the same day and now they get two in a just 2 days. So of course everyone is sort of in a panic and wondering why this is happening now. Then it takes an even bigger twist, its a girl. There are no girls on the Glade not even one and then everyone thinks she has a connection to Thomas. Thomas at first has no idea what they are talking about but then begins to realize she does recognize her a bit. But he decides not to tell anyone because he's afraid of what would happen. Well now everything has changed for Thomas, he understands more but still has so many questions.

     Newt takes Thomas on a small tour and starts with the basically slaughter house. Thomas is completely disgusted and gets to take a break. This is when he sees something scurry across the grass and it is a robotic beetle that the creators use to watch them. One of Thomas's major flaws in this place is that he is very curious and this gets him in trouble. So he follows this bug thing into the woods where it gets very dark. As you can see his curiosity has gotten him into trouble because he lost the beetle and all of a sudden he hears twigs breaking. He stumbles upon the graveyard but then as he is checking it out he hears the snapping again. Then someone runs out tackles him, and bites him. It turns out to be the kid who had been basically hospitalized after getting stung. Well then Alby comes and threatens to shoot him with his bow. The kid talks about that Thomas is bad and that he does not belong. Alby ends up having to shoot and kill him but now Thomas has a new conflict. He throws up from what had happened and now he is scared that he has done something wrong. Finally right now at the part I'm reading he has run into a mazerunner. Which he has been wanting to do and this guy tells him and Alby that he found a dead griever. I guess its a big deal because he has never found a dead griever.
I Commented On: Citlalli, Stanley, and Marissa


  1. Diego,

    You were very thorough, all the conflicts you mentioned were easy to follow and understand. You were very descriptive too which is good. I also find it amusing how you called Gally a jerk. He is one. Good blog post!

  2. I like how you explained everything, like this is the Glade, how he felt, and other characters. Also the flaws in the end paragraph.

  3. Great blog! I just finished reading this book and this is very accurate. I like how you talked about the flaws of the characters. These flaws become more important as you read further into the book.

  4. Great Job your blog described the main conflicts perfectly. I also think that if I had a friends that didn't talk it would kinda drive me crazy. This blog is really making me want to read this book great job all around.
