Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Giver: Week of 11-18-13

Title: The Giver
Author: Lois Lowry
Pages Read: 0-65
Prompt: •Describe the most important event. Give at least three reasons why you think it

is the most important event.

     The part that I found most important was that he was skipped in the ceremony of the Twelves.
I thought this because it left you wanting to find out, he gets his job, and its a special job. After I read the part that he had been skipped I was surprised. I wanted to find out why and what happens. It made me keep reading the next chapter.
     This leads to the "Special Job". He goes up and is selected to be the next "Receiver of Memory" I'm still not entirely sure what that job is. I want to find out if he is separated from the community more or what. The thing that I did catch was that the Elder said he can see ahead to the future. I was wondering what they might use him for and if he will learn any secrets.
     Overall I think the book is okay so far. I think i is a really weird community they live in. I would not want to live in a community like that. I think it would be weird and not fun because there is no sports or competition and everything is selected for you. I think its dumb that everyone is with like a group of people that are all the same age because there are some kids that are months and almost a year older than some of the kids in the group. I hope I end up enjoying this book.


  1. I commented on Stanley, Gabe, and Jesus.

  2. Nice blog. These were some of the same reasons that I think this is an important event.

  3. Great blog this week! I liked how told us why you thought this event was important. I agree with you that Jonas being skipped in the Ceremony of Twelves was an important event. Just like you it made me want to keep on reading the book. I was very shocked that Jonas got such an important job.
