Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Book Of Basketball: Week of 11-11-13

Title: The Book Of Basketball
Author: Bill Simmons
Pages Read: 0-39
Prompt: Analyze what motivates the main character’s behavior.

     The things that I felt motivate the main character was his Dad, NBA players, and his love for the game of basketball. First he is motivated to go to NBA games. His Dad gets his hands on Celtics season tickets. At the time the tickets were very cheap compared to prices now. His Dad takes him to the games.
     Then the NBA players. The best players would face off. One of them was Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. The person telling the story is white but wants to be black so he can be like the best players of the NBA. So he would write Jabbar on his papers instead of his name.
      This story is basically about a boy and how basketball influenced his life. His Dad got the tickets and he immediately fell in love with the game. He is watching his favorite teams. He eventually got to watch the players warm up and get to pass them the ball if the ball came towards him because he got to stand right by where they practiced.  


  1. I commented on Stanley, Gabe, and Amelia.

  2. It seems that all of your books have to do with sports, don't they? It is very true that our parents have such a large impact on the child's life. I liked this weeks blog very much!
