Sunday, March 8, 2015

AoW Impressions 3-6-15

Once again ISIS is the biggest story of the week. This week though there  were no stories of killings or terrible attacks. Instead it was about ISIS destroying property and recruiting young girls. First in an article from Steven he talked about how they were destroying archaeological artifacts. Now whats the point of this, well ISIS wants to rewrite or write a new history following whatever they want. In my mind I'm scared of what ISIS would want history to be like, considering how evil we have seen them be publicly. Now considering how nasty and villain like this group is, there are some who abandon their home, travel across the country, just to join them. Yes thats the other story that made headlines, girls from the UK running away to join ISIS. Both Citlalli and Abdiel had articles on this instance. Citlalli's article was more focused on the recruitment part of the whole situation. There is a girl named Aqsa Mahmood, who posts things for ISIS through twitter. That is how they recruit girls to join, by contacting through twitter and persuading them to join. My question is, has twitter done anything about this and how far are they allowed to intervene in an instance like this. In Abdiel's article it focused more on the whole running away aspect and what is being done. According to his article the girls who escaped were last seen in Turkey. Also that their parents publicly begged them to come back home. When I heard that they ran away to join ISIS I was stunned, I had no idea how someone, especially in the UK could ever want to do that.

There was one article that seemed to get the attention of the whole class, having to do with the social media crazed dress. Both Julia and Nick had articles explaining the science of the whole thing. To me I found the dress craze completely dumb and a waste of publicity. But anyway both of them said it had to do with your genetic makeup, and the way you comprehend color by different textures or screens. For me I though with certain pictures of the dress they just adjusted the lighting to make it seem light or dark, changing the color. Another article I found interesting to learn about was Gustavo's about a US ambassador being stabbed. It was a murder attempt by Kim Ki Jong in a message to the US. This whole thing is sparked by North Korea still wanting to reunite into one Korea. We learned in Social Studies about the Korean War and North Korea's need and want to reunite. I think its ridiculous especially considering South Korea is doing way better economically. Finally a article that actually positively impacts the world was Gabe's article about a lagoon power plant. Gabe says the lagoon stretches two miles into the sea. The reason the lagoon makes a contribution to society is because it shows that the world is starting to find and use new reusable resources.
Comments: Amelia, Gabe, Citlalli

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