Sunday, August 17, 2014

Travel Team: 8-17-14

Title: Travel Team
Author: Mike Lupica
Pages Read: 0-274 (Finish)
Prompt: Summary

Just like the previous Mike Lupica I read the main character is small, and his name is Danny. His parents are divorced and this plays a big role in the book. Danny gets cut from the Travel team he had been playing with for the past two years. The reason was because Mr. Ross despised Danny's father because Danny's father had always been the star of the town. This was because he was the best player on their team when they were kids, and went on to play in the NBA. But his career ended early in a car accident. Anyway Danny's dad was never a big role in Danny's life after the accident. Even though Mr. Ross, and Danny's father were enemies their sons clicked on the court. Mr Ross's son name was Ty. They did amazing plays together like Stockton and Malone (Basketball Reference).

Well Danny's father, Richie decided to become part of Danny's life and help him form their own travel team. Danny was so excited. Their team was pretty bad. They recruited a girl named Colby who is really good. Their team name was the Warriors. Danny's dad promised to stop drinking and was now a better guy then he used to be.They decided to scrimmage the Vikings, which is the team that cut Danny. In this one play Danny was mad at one player and shoved him, but the player bumped into Ty, Danny's friend and Ty broke his wrist. Ty would not be back until the playoffs. Danny felt really bad. The Warriors started getting better and began to win games. Then when they went for pizza one day Richie (Danny's dad) was in another car accident. There were no parents to coach so Danny had to coach his own team with the help of his mom.

One game Ty decided to go and watch. Danny said for him to sit on the bench and help him coach this hard team. With Ty helping to coach  Danny they began to come back. When the game was over Mr Ross came and grabbed Ty and yelled at him. When playoffs came, Ty decided he didn't want to play for his father but join Danny's team. The Warriors would play the Vikings. Danny's dad came from the hospital to go watch the game. In the middle of the game Mr. Ross realized what he had to do. He handed his clipboard over and went and sat next to Richie, to cheer on his son. In my opinion, a very good first step in his apology. Ty hit the game winning shot to win the game off of a great pass from Danny. Game over, happy ending.

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